June 29, 2022
Congratulations to the 2022-23 new CMBP trainees!

The Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program is pleased to announce the new 2022-2023 trainees and congratulates all of them on their CMBP fellowship awards.
Morgan Bauer (MCDB; Karin Musier-Forysth, Advisor)
Matthew Benedek (OSBP; Mark Foster, Advisor)
Kyle Ernzen (MCDB; Amanda Panfil, Advisor)
Ernesto Roldan-Bonet (MolGen, Anita Hopper)
Andrew Savidge (OSBP; Kotaro Nakanishi, Advisor)
Carter Wheat (OSBP; Marcos Sotomayor, Advisor)
Nathen Zavada (MolGen, Advisor to be announced)
Vincent Garcia (OSBP, Advisor to be announced)
Ramon Macias (MCDB, Advisor to be announced)
Welcome and congratulations!