Congratulations to the 2020-21 new CMBP trainees!

The Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences Program is pleased to announce the new 2020-21 trainees and congratulates all of them on their CMBP fellowship awards.
Natalie Aloi - Current graduate student in MCDB; Sharon Amacher, Advisor
Alfonso Carillo - Incoming graduate student in Microbiology
Marissa Gittrich - Current graduate student in Microbiology; Matthew Sullivan, Advisor
Reid Gohmann - Incoming graduate student in MCDB
Grace Johnecheck - current graduate student in OSBP; Jane Jackman, Advisor
Paola Loperena-Gonzalez - Incoming graduate student in Microbiology
Matthew McPherson - Incoming graduate student in Molecular Genetics
Paul Russell - Current graduate student in OSBP; Michael Kearse, Advisor
Jaylen Taylor - Incoming graduate student in OSBP
Welcome and congratulations!