Call for Nominations - Trainee Appointments for AY22-23

The Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Sciences program is accepting nominations for NEW CMBP trainee appointments starting AU2022. Nominations are encouraged from all eligible first and second year students. Nominations are due to Betsy Foran on April 25th.
Students who apply are required to be:
-Entering the second or third year of their graduate program in Autumn 2022.
-Working in the lab of a CMBP faculty trainer:
-US citizens or permanent residents.
-In one of the following graduate programs: Microbiology, MCDB, Molecular Genetics, OSBP.
In addition, applicants must upload within the nomination form the following documents as one PDF and in the order shown:
1) a description of their research, including introduction, goals, methods to be used, and significance. The proposal should be written by the applicant and should not exceed 2 pages (double-spaced).
2) a brief statement of career goals (no more than ½ page, double spaced)
3) a copy of their graduate transcript
Finally, one letter of support from the advisor should be e-mailed directly to Betsy Foran at by April 25, 2022.